Sunday, March 28, 2010

Street walking

So I have a guilty pleasure lately. I am obsessed with walking down the middle of empty city streets. Something about it is so romantic and beautiful. The dichotomy of living in this city of non-stop chaos and noise, and finding that one isolated pocket of silence, where everything stops and your whole universe makes sense.

I work out a lot of my problems in the middle of the road. Somehow in the stillness, something inside me just clicks. I effortlessly float from one thought bubble to the next, and clear away each resolution to make way for the next.

Like a true junkie, I’ve been seeking out prime thoroughfares to conduct my meditative problem solving. I try to determine whether north-south streets should be favored to east-west ones. Test out which way is ideal on a one-way street.

On this quest for peaceful solitude, I realized it was something I’ve been searching for for quite some time. Living in the city is wonderful in so many ways; however, it leaves much to be desired in the way of personal space and downtime.

So for all my fellow city girls looking to make sense of it all, try to find a place or activity that brings you peace, and hold that time sacred. Keep it for you and only you.

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